How To Improve Cleaning Standards In Hotel Housekeeping

Hospitality | 27/2/2020

Safe Housekeeping Practises

When people visit Australia and book a hotel room, every person differs when it comes to the accommodations they want the most. For some, these must-have inclusions are more comfort-related; for others, they're technological, such as free Wi-Fi or complimentary tablets.

But there's one hotel feature every guest not only wants, but has come to expect: cleanliness.

Spotless bathroom floors and fresh, newly washed linens are an indication of quality, excellence and respect for the individuals who are in town for business or pleasure. If said cleanliness doesn't meet their exacting specifications, guests have no qualms about booking with a different hotel provider - of which there are plenty. In fact, according to the Australian Trade and Investment Commission, the total number is approximately 296,655 throughout the country - with over 53,200 additional rooms expected between now and 2028.

Whether you're just breaking into the hospitality and accommodations space or are a long-time member, here are a few strategies you can employ to improve cleaning standards in hotel housekeeping. They may be the difference between a one-time visitor or a repeat customer.

1. Develop a mission statement
To notably improve cleaning standards, you have to define what those standards actually are so your staff can reach them every time they break out the towels and spray bottles. Perhaps the best way of going about this is by putting those standards or work processes in writing. Naturally, the ideal is to be the best in every respect when it comes to cleanliness, but in order to reach this goal, <a href="">staff</a> should be able to point back to a set of rules or regulations that informs their efforts. Only when workers are clear on these standards can they appropriately apply themselves.

2. Train to retain
Through repetition comes learning. This is particularly true in hotel housekeeping. Most people have a general idea of what it takes to keep a washroom, bedroom or lobby area clean, but each person has different ideas of what they consider clean to be. As a result of this, your staff should be clear on the hotel's definition, not their own. The best way of going about this is through training. Whether it's the manner in which staff scrub the toilet seats, hang the bathroom hand towels or vacuum the floors, ongoing training helps ensure that everyone is on the same page to assure that each room is just as spotless as the next. Even when your staff has been with the company for awhile, it never hurts to review so your crew isn't just going through the motions but fully engaged. Follow-up training can also be a smart way to introduce new cleaning methods or tools that may be more effective than the current routine.

3. Assure that certain tasks always get done
When hotel guests head out for the day and housekeeping comes in, it's usually pretty clear which parts of the room have been used and which ones haven't. For example, guests may bring their own soap and shampoo, so there's no need to replace non-used toiletries with new ones. However, there are some living aspects that ought to be taken care of regardless of whether it does or doesn't look necessary. Vacuuming is a classic example. A rug or hardwood floors may seem to the naked eye like they're crumb- and dust-free, but upon closer inspection, they could probably use a once-over so microscopic particles and debris are swept away. Regular vacuuming is an easy way to keep dirt at bay.

4. Perform spot checks
Guests are the ultimate determiners of whether a hotel is truly clean; if they think otherwise, they'll likely let you know. It should never get to that point. Every now and then, perform spot checks so your staff remain fastidious about their housekeeping efforts. This helps with quality control and can provide you with an opportunity to see where your workers are exceling and where there's room for improvement.

5. Regularly create new benchmarks
Speaking of which, even when your staff is doing all the right things and spot checks are going well, there will always be things that housekeeping can do better in so they can further improve and not just meet, but exceed guests' tidiness expectations. So, once you reach a goal in one area or aspect, see where else there may be room for growth. This may not just be in the quality of clean, but in overall productivity. You may be able to introduce new workflows that can allow staff to keep rooms as spotless as ever and also take care of other odds and ends, such as washing linens, folding towels or restocking used amenities.

If you're looking to redefine clean, Rubbermaid has the products and solutions you need to set a higher standard and set yourself apart from other hotels. Contact us today for more details.

